Dem politician says she just doesn't know whether men can give birth

 February 8, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

When Ketanji Jackson, waiting to be confirmed as a member of the Supreme Court, said she was unable to define a "woman," there were gasps in the gallery.

And WND commentator Michael Brown explained that the perfect follow-up to her answer, "I am not a biologist," to the question, "What is a woman?" would have been "Judge Jackson, are you a woman?"

He explained, "The reality is that even women on the left, including radical feminists, realize that if you can't give a simple, self-evident definition of the term 'woman,' then there is no such thing as women's rights. After all, if we don't know what a woman is, how can she (or he?) have equal rights?"

And if you thought Jackson's response was the epitome of that agenda, another quote has surfaced that puts Jackson in the shade.

It's a Democrat who said when asked if men (transgender women) could give birth, "I am not a doctor."

And if you thought Jackson's response was the epitome of that agenda, another quote has surfaced that puts Jackson in the shade.

It's a Democrat who said when asked if men (transgender women) could give birth, "I am not a doctor."

Media Research Center TV caught the video.

"This just takes the cake," the report said.

"A transgender woman could give birth… I am not a doctor."

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