Defense launched for Trump electors targeted in 'patently frivolous' case

 December 23, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The American Freedom Law Center has confirmed it has filed a “motion for summary disposition” and request for attorneys’ fees and costs in an attempt to dismiss a civil lawsuit filed by three Joe Biden electors against 16 Trump electors.

The legal team explains that the claims are "patently frivolous" and fail as a matter of law.

The war has erupted in Kent County, Michigan, where the Trump electors also are facing a politically-based felony complaint from Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, a far-left activist.

The AFLC said in its court filing: "Undoubtedly, the 2020 general election was contentious. But so are most general elections. For example, Al Gore repeatedly claimed that the 2000 election was 'stolen' by George W. Bush. Hillary Clinton continues to claim that the 2016 election was 'stolen' by Donald Trump, and she has publicly proclaimed that Donald Trump was an 'illegitimate president.' It’s the nature of politics."

But the filing continued, "But not until recent times has a political party (the Democratic Party) sought to weaponize the courts and the legal process to punish those who questioned a general election. Unfortunately, a dangerous precedent has been set, and it is unclear how this will turn out. . . . This dangerous practice must stop, and this court can play a role in helping to do so by granting this motion, dismissing the complaint, and awarding [the Trump electors] their reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs for having to defend against this politically motivated and patently frivolous lawsuit."

The filing said the "weaponization" of the court system, by Democrats against Republicans, needs to end.

"Our republican form of government will not long sustain such an abusive use of the courts," the filing said.

The AFLC said its filing makes evident that the Biden electors’ civil claims, which include a request for a declaratory judgment, conversion, false light/invasion of privacy, and conspiracy, have no basis in law and should be summarily dismissed.

As a sanction for filing this “patently frivolous” lawsuit, the Trump electors are asking the court to order the Biden electors to pay their attorneys’ fees and costs.

A hearing on the dispute is scheduled in January.

During the 2020 election, Republicans in several states set up their own electors, while the Democrats did the same.

Those races initially were called for Joe Biden, meaning the Democrat electors would be the ones to vote, but the GOP teams were set up because of the suspicion of fraud in the election, and the uncertainty of whether the Biden results would be reversed.

In fact, that was the election hit by the undue influence of Mark Zuckerberg's decision to hand out $400 plus million, through foundations, to officials to often use it to recruit Joe Biden voters.

Further, the evidence shows that the FBI interfered in the election by telling media corporations to suppress accurate, but very damaging, reporting about the Biden family scandals detailed in a laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden.

The FBI knew, at the time it was telling those companies the information was "Russian disinformation," that was not the case, and the information actually was accurate.

A subsequent polling revealed had that information been ordinarily reported, and given to voters, Joe Biden almost certainly would have lost the election.

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