Conservatives force drag queens to clean up story hour

 December 10, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Pro-family activists in the far-left community of San Francisco have forced drag queen radicals to clean up their plans for a story hour, according to a report from the organization Mass Resistance.

"Instead of men in drag reading offensive LGBT books to kids … an actual woman showed up and read normal children's books," the organization confirmed.

The pro-family organization reported, "Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is a loathsome propaganda routine where men dress up in garish women’s clothes and read offensive LGBT story books to young children. It’s showing up across America in public libraries and other venues. Its stated goals are to push 'gender fluidity' on kids, give them 'glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,' and help them be 'their true selves' with 'no gender restrictions.'"

The story hour ideology and campaign "originated" in San Francisco.

The most recent fight arose in Redwood City, near San Francisco, a "very liberal and strongly pro-LGBT area."

But there also are "pro-family conservatives" there too, the report said.

"Last month when word got out that the Redwood City Public Library was holding a Drag Queen Story Hour, local conservatives decided it was time to do something effective. One of them contacted us. She told us that last year, some locals showed up and protested outside the library to voice their disapproval when the toxic event took place. But it had no effect."

That's when Mass Resistance offered some advice.

"This time, we made it very clear to the library staff and the event’s organizers that pro-family activists in town were planning something in opposition. First, one of our people specifically asked the library staff to give us as much information as possible about the event. Who was going to be the drag queen? (We wanted to do a background check.) Who else was going to be involved? What books would be read? What else was going to take place?"

The library stonewalled, but, the report said, "Just asking those questions alarmed the organizers. They surely already knew that MassResistance had a history of success derailing DQSH events across the country."

Then just before the event, a local leader scouted the room where the indoctrination was scheduled.

"The organizers got the message and decided to back off from their extreme content," Mass Resistance reported.

At the event itself, a dozen pro-family activists arrived early to get front-row seats.

"They brought small signs and prepared to hold them up when the event began. The first thing they noticed was that police officers were already in the otherwise empty room. But they did not prevent our people from going in and taking the front seats on one side," the report documented.

More pro-family activists stood outside the library.

The report then confirmed, "The person who showed up to read to the kids was not a drag queen! Instead, it was a woman wearing lots of make-up and an outsized dress. She read two innocuous (and uninteresting) children’s books with no sexual or LGBT messaging."

Mass Resistance pointed out, "If pro-family activists can pull this off in a far-left corner of America, it could be done anywhere!"

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