Confirmed! Teachers, students can escape LGBT indoctrination

 March 29, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The legal team at Liberty Counsel, an organization that long has fought against the rising tide of LGBT indoctrination demands, says it obtained confirmation that teachers and students at a Minnesota district are not required to attend lessons in that ideology.

Teachers and students in the Osseo Area School District 279, in fact, now are "free to exercise their legal rights to opt out of participating in the 'LGBTQIA+ History and Culture Lesson" imposed by the school.

"Teachers and students cannot be forced to participate in speech that conflicts with their sincerely held religious beliefs," explained Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver. "Parents must also be given adequate opportunity to review any instructional material to excuse their children."

Liberty Counsel had sent a demand letter to the district after the district announced, "High schoolers will hear a 40-minute lesson in one of their 'advisory/foundation times' the first week of April. The skills, abilities, and knowledge that scholars will attain include: Students will gain a deeper understanding of LGBTQIA+ histories and identities; students will gain an understanding of the importance of using correct pronouns and respecting diverse identities; students will help create a brave space that is respectful of all members of our community."

After the intervention by Liberty Counsel, the school confirmed that "teacher opt-out religious accommodations will be approved" and "students may choose to leave before or during the lesson."

The report noted the planned indoctrination includes profiles of pop culture figures who identify as homosexual or "transgender," and more.

Students will hear about "instances of encouragement" to accept and affirm fake pronouns and identities.

"For example, students will be encouraged to either use false pronouns that are not consistent with biological gender and improper plurals like 'they them theirs' and other nonsensical permutations. Otherwise, they risk being labeled 'wrong' or 'incorrect,'" Liberty Counsel said.

The students also are to be asked if they are confused curious or questioning their sexuality.

The legal team noted the obstacles for parents: "On March 8, 2024, less than 30 days from the teaching of the lesson, teachers were provided an advance copy of the district’s parent opt-out email. However, parents were not provided with the lesson content. So to review the material and consider excusing their children, parents must complete an online form to schedule a time and physically go to the school district for the review. The 'Review LGBTQIA+ Learning Materials' page informed parents that 'an identification card will be required to enter the Educational Service Center' and 'only those that submit a form and receive confirmation will be allowed to view the learning materials' onsite. Buried at the end of paragraph five of the email was the actual 'opt-out form.'"

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