Colorado official who led attack on Trump now facing own recall

 March 5, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A partisan election official in the state of Colorado, which took a massive blow from the Supreme Court again this week in its attempt to cancel the 2024 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, now is facing a recall campaign.

It is Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat, who became a major player behind a Democrat agenda to attack Trump and remove him from the ballot, likely prompted by real fears that he'll beat Joe Biden in the race this year.

Four members of the Colorado state Supreme Court, with seven judges appointed by Democrats, had claimed, without trial or conviction, that Trump was an "insurrectionist" and denied him permission to be on the ballot. It was significant that the majority couldn't persuade other three Democrat-appointed judges to join them.

But the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday that states lack the authority to make such decisions regarding national candidates, especially for president.

The 9-0 decision killed Colorado's attack on Trump and likewise foiled similar plans in Maine and Illinois.

Incidentally, it's the third Colorado case to arrive at the U.S. Supreme Court recently, and the third major loss for the leftist state. The earlier cases involved the state's "hostile" treatment of Christianity in the Jack Phillips Masterpiece Cakeshop case and its discriminatory attack on Christians in the 303 Creative web design case. Both of those fought the state's insistence it could dictate religious statements to private businesses.

Fox News reported Republicans in Colorado wrote to Griswold after her political attack on Trump failed at the high court.

"Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., led state party officials in a letter addressed to Secretary of State Jena Griswold Monday that accused her of attempting to 'disenfranchise millions of Coloradans' and called the effort to bar Trump from the ballot 'a stain on our Republic and an outright embarrassment,'" the report said.

Their letter charged, "With today's unanimous decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to keep President Donald J. Trump on the Colorado primary ballot, it is now even more clear Coloradans should have zero faith in you to adequately protect their right to vote and oversee elections in the state of Colorado."

Fox reported the Republicans accused Griswold of a "selfish political decision to rig the primary election" against Trump and said "all" options are being considered, including "a formal recall."

Joining Boebert in the letter were Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dave Wiliams, state party Vice Chair Hope Scheppelman, and Secretary Anna Feguson.

On Monday, Griswold said she was disappointed when the Supreme Court overturned the decision to bar Trump from the ballot in a unanimous ruling.

Griswold had complained that the Supreme Court didn't agree with her.

"I do believe that states should be able under our constitution to bar oath-breaking insurrections (sic)," she said.

The report noted, "Colorado had argued Trump was disqualified from public office under the 14th Amendment for inciting an 'insurrection' at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. However, the nine justices held that Article 3 of the 14th Amendment, which bars former officeholders who 'engaged in insurrection' from holding public office again, can only be enforced by Congress."

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