Clinton, Biden invoke America's war dead on D-Day to compare Trump to Hitler - again

 June 7, 2024

Hillary Clinton is facing backlash for politicizing D-Day to stump for Joe Biden and compare Donald Trump - once again - to Hitler.

In a social media post, Clinton likened the fearless Normandy invasion to the Democratic party's campaign to stop Trump in 2024.

"Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy," she wrote on X.

"This November, all we have to do is vote."

Clinton's ghastly analogy

Clinton's dramatic message fit a familiar, overarching theme among Democrats: that Biden is campaigning to save "our democracy" from Trump.

Clinton's alarmist rhetoric was criticized and mocked, with many calling the analogy extreme and insensitive to Americans who sacrificed their lives in World War II.

"These Dems couldn't be more dramatic and deranged," Republican senator Tommy Tuberville (Al.) said. "They're comparing storming the beaches of Normandy on #dday to voting against Trump."

Of course, Clinton is no stranger to off-key messaging. Her historic loss to Trump in 2016 - which she has treated like her own personal D-Day - came after she notoriously dismissed millions of Americans as irredeemable "deplorables."

As she campaigns for Bidne's re-election, Clinton is telling voters to "get over yourself" and pull the lever for Biden despite misgiving about his age.

Dems invoke war dead to attack Trump

Biden also did not leave off campaigning while visiting France this week to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the sea-borne Normandy invasion.

Without mentioning Trump directly, Biden invoked America's war dead to tie Hitler's regime with Trump's Make America Great Again movement.

It was a more subtle version of Clinton's message with the same unmistakable subtext: a vote for Biden is a vote to save America from fascism.

"As we gather here today, it’s not just to honor those who showed such remarkable bravery that day June 6, 1944,” Biden said. “It’s to listen to the echo of their voices. To hear them."

"Because they are summoning us. They’re asking us what will we do. They’re not asking us to scale these cliffs. They’re asking us to stay true to what America stands for.”

Biden's campaign also capitalized on D-Day to accuse Trump of disrespecting veterans, repeating old, unproven claims about things Trump allegedly said in private.

The Trump campaign noted in reply that Biden once called troops "stupid b------ds" to their faces and that he was caught checking his watch during the dignified transfer of 13 soldiers who died during Biden's bungled Afghanistan withdrawal.

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