Clerk admits violating election law, claims she didn't understand it

 May 13, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

An elections official in a major city in the key swing state of Wisconsin who earlier was caught in – and reprimanded for – a ballot-harvesting scheme now has admitted violating election laws, explaining she just didn't understand them.

It just more evidence of how America's elections are being warped by political ideologies held by those in positions of election system power.

An investigative report in The Federalist explains that Green Bay City Clerk Celestine Jeffreys, in a response to a court case, admitted: "she has not been strictly adhering to the statutory requirements in Wisconsin Statutes."

But there's a reason, a court filing charges: "The failure to do so was inadvertent and due to a lack of awareness of the statutory requirements."

The stunning admission came in response to a complaint from the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

The report explained, "It’s more of the same from Jeffreys, the former chief of staff for Green Bay’s far-left mayor in a city that made national news during the Zuckerbucks scandal of 2020 and turned punitive when its bumbling clerk previously twisted state election law."

The PILF concern, brought to the state Election Commission, warns that Green Bay documented 3,497 "Election Day registrations" during the 2020 president race, in which Joe Biden won the state by the narrowest of margins.

But a check on the accuracy of those registrations produced 170 "undeliverable" names. And the clerk refused to make any of those inactive, despite state requirements.

"That line — 'inactivated zero residents' — comes up again and again. The 2021 elections, the primary and general elections in 2022, in which Wisconsin Democrat Tony Evers and most leftist statewide officers won, and again in the 2023 spring election in which the far-left Wisconsin Supreme Court justice candidate claimed victory and turned control of the court over to leftists. In the latter contest, of the 672 election day registrants, 24 postcards were returned as undeliverable to Jeffreys’ office," The Federalist documented.

Jeffreys was required to mark the voter as ineligible on the registration list, mail the voter a notice, and tell the local prosecuting attorney and elections commission of possible fraud.

But, the report said, Jeffreys did nothing.

It's apparently just now, according to city legal representatives, that Jeffreys has started working on "a plan" to address the potential election fraud.

"Clerk Jeffreys was unaware that she was required to do each of these things, but plans to do so going forward, and is in the process of drafting written procedures for doing so. In the future, in accordance with statute and with the WEC guidance, Clerk Jeffreys will take the following actions when her office receives an undeliverable EDR postcard," the city's legal team claimed in a court filing.

Lauren Bowman Bis, PILF’s director of communications, explained, "People need to have faith and trust in their elected officials. For her to not be following the law, not even knowing the law, … is unbelievable."

She warned Jeffrey's actions "could be easily used for fraud and abuse."

The Federalist reported Jeffreys "has a history of trouble with election law."

It was just months ago the state elections commission concluded Jeffreys again broke the law, when during the 2022 spring election she took multiple absentee ballots from single individuals.

The commission ruled that there was probable cause to believe Jeffreys broke the law on ballot harvesting.

"The Commission hereby orders Celestine Jeffreys to amend the policy described in the Response or any current or future policy in a manner consistent with this decision."

The city blamed the law violations on "confusion" about the election.

The Federalist reported Jeffreys moved into the clerk's office after the "contentious" 2020 election, during which it is now known that Mark Zuckerberg handed out $400 million including major handouts to five major cities in Wisconsin. It ostensibly was to help officials cope with COVID, but in fact many local leftists used the cash to recruit Democrat voters.

The report said, "Green Bay was one of the 'Wisconsin-5' cities that signed a contract with and received millions of dollars in election administration grants from the Center for Tech and Civic Life. The Chicago-based CTCL was launched by far left, former Democrat operatives. The group used hundreds of millions of dollars from Mark Zuckerberg, founder of conservative-silencing Facebook.

Jeffreys was in the mayor's office at the time, an office that pressured the then-clerk to allow a Democratic operative a role in the election.

"I don’t understand how people who don’t have knowledge of the process can tell us how to manage the election," the former clerk responded at the time.

And, the report said, Jeffreys was in the middle of a city attack on an election observer, a case later tossed by a judge who described the city's actions as "retaliatory."

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