Chinese media warning about 'World War' with NATO countries

 February 5, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

An editorial from the propaganda department of the Chinese Communist Party is openly speculating, even warning, about a coming "World War" with NATO.

It was a piece called, "NATO is pushing the Russia-Ukraine conflict toward a 'world war,'" that was published in the Global Times, an English-language publication run by the Chinese Communists.

The commentary cited comments by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg during a recent visit to the U.S. about NATO's "readiness."

According to a report from Newsweek, that article said the Russia-Ukraine conflict could grow into a "world war."

The report said tensions have been high between Russia and NATO, especially after NATO last month announced its largest-ever military exercise, called "Steadfast Defender 2024."

Those events started late last month and are scheduled to run through May, and they are supposed to involve some 90,000 members of militaries from 31 NATO nations, plus Sweden.

Being "tested," the report said, is the allies' ability to move forces quickly and stage defense procedures.

The report said, "Military analysts have speculated Steadfast Defender is meant to prepare alliance members for the potential of a future Russian invasion on NATO territory."

While the announcement of the plan did not mention Russia, the regime of Vladimir Putin is viewed as a major security threat to NATO.

The propaganda piece charged that the NATO chief's visit "is not just about NATO seeking funds."

It continued, "This is a clear preparation of public opinion to expand the Russia-Ukraine conflict into a world war."

The propaganda continued, "This strategic adjustment by NATO may enhance its internal cohesion in the short term and continue to maintain its position as the world's most powerful military force held by the U.S. and the West. However, in the long term, it may lead to more divisions and confrontations globally, profoundly affecting international relations and the security environment around China."

Newsweek said it sought comment from NATO and the Russian foreign ministry.

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