Bobulinski, lawyer sue Fox co-host for $30 million for defamation

 March 28, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Hunter Biden's former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, was a key congressional witness in the House investigation into whether Joe Biden committed crimes for which he should face impeachment. Now he has filed a $30 million defamation action against Fox News entertainer Jessica Tarlov.

Bobulinski's testimony has confirmed that Joe Biden indeed did participate in his son Hunter's influence-peddling scheme through which Biden family members gained tens of millions of dollars.

Bobulinski, on Thursday, released a statement, "Today I filed a lawsuit against Ms. Jessica Tarlov of Fox News for defamation. Although I am seeking compensatory, special, and punitive damages from her for the damage her public remarks inflicted on my personal and professional reputation, this is not about money. This is about the truth, for which I have been fighting for four years."

He continued, "It is important for media personalities like Ms. Tarlov to understand that lies have consequences. I have consistently told the truth to the American people about the deep corruption of the Biden family and will continue to do so, and I have paid my legal expenses arising from my decision to come forward out of my own pocket. I will donate every penny I may be awarded in this suit to a children’s hospital and to support our military Veterans. Ms. Tarlov refused to apologize and sincerely correct the record. I look forward to holding her accountable in a court of law and to continuing to bring the truth to the American people."

The complaint shows the case was filed in federal court in the Southern District of New York and charges Tarlov, on Fox News, "lied" about Bobulinski and Stefan Passantino, saying that Mr. Bobulinski's legal fees are being paid by a "Trump Super PAC as recently as January 2024."

The comment came as Tarlov was talking about Bobulinski's appearance before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

"Tarlov lied to achieve media headlines and ratings and to serve her political agenda by deliberately besmirching the character of Messrs. Bobulinski and Passantino," the complaint charges.

"The assertion was unequivocally false and defamatory, and plaintiffs demanded a complete retraction and apology," it states. But Tarlov "petulantly" did not.

He confirms in the court filing that he worked with Hunter Biden and was witness to a partnership between the "Chinese Communist Party/Chairman Ye through their surrogate, China Energy Company Limited, a CCP-linked Chinese energy conglomerate, and the Biden family."

The filing states, "Bobulinski confirmed that he saw, firsthand, that Hunter Biden would frequently go to his father for his approval or advice for various business deals."

It was just days ago that he appeared to testify before Congress, accompanied by his lawyer, Passantino.

After that hearing, Tarlov said, "Tony Bobulinski's lawyers' fees have been paid by a Trump Super PAC. That's as recent as January."

The filing says she later "clarified" that she has "seen no indication" that PAC payments were made "in connection to Mr. Bobulinski's legal fees."

"Tarlov was aware at the time she made them that these false statements invoking President Trump would inflame a segment of the country against Mr. Bobulinski and Mr. Passantino and would falsely cause her viewers to disbelieve Mr. Bobulinski's sworn testimony," the filing charges.

Tarlov is accused of having "a well-established pattern of hostile and malicious intent to defame the character and reputation of anyone associated with President Trump."

And it reveals Bobulinski has paid all of his own legal fees.

The case seeks $30 million in compensatory, special and punitive damages, plus costs.

Fox told WND, "Jessica Tarlov’s March 21st statements were accurate and made clear that she was not aware of anything to indicate that payments from a Trump PAC to Elections, LLC were made in connection with Tony Bobulinski’s legal fees. We stand by our decision to not issue any further corrections and will vigorously defend against these inaccurate claims."

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