Black teen seen bashing white girl's head in concrete 'ready to apologize'

 April 4, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The Missouri black teen girl who was seen on video bashing a white schoolgirl's head into the pavement is reportedly prepared to apologize for the shocking beating, her family says.

It was the afternoon of March 8 when 15-year-old Maurnice DeClue got into a brutal confrontation with Kaylee Gain near Hazelwood East High School in the St. Louis suburb of Spanish Lake, and DeClue was seen in an extremely graphic video smashing Gain's head.

DeClue has already been charged with assault for allegedly leaving the white schoolmate with a fractured skull and brain bleed following the 12-second incident.

DeClue's mother, Consuella DeClue , told KSDK-TV in St. Louis that her daughter was "dismayed to hear" Gain was in a coma for so long, and relieved to hear about her recent improvements because, "she wants to apologize."

"I just feel for my daughter," she said. "She's not a troublemaker, she's not a bully."

"Maurnice was not the aggressor," she continued.

"This had manifested over a three-month period. My daughter was focused on her education, and I don't know ... maybe they thought she was a nerd."

She claimed police have collected copies of Instagram messages that include threats to Maurnice.

"My daughter said she blacked out during the fight. I didn't know she was being bullied," Consuella DeClue said. "I would have pulled her out of school."

Meanwhile, the family of Kaylee Gain say she has started speaking again and is beginning to walk with medical help.

"Kaylee is now out of the intensive care unit, and in the past few days Kaylee has been able to engage in limited verbal conversations," her parents indicated through legal counsel.

"Kaylee also recently began speech therapy, and has gone on a few short walks with the assistance of hospital staff as she is still unable to ambulate on her own. However, Kaylee does not have any recollection of the altercation that led to her hospitalization."

The injured girl reportedly shows "signs of significant cognitive impairment," repeating herself over and over after emerging from the coma.

Gain's family is pushing for Maurnice DeClue to be charged as an adult "given the particularly violent nature of this assault, and also taking into account the devastating injuries that Kaylee has incurred."

One online commenter isn't buying the apology claim from the DeClue family, saying, "Nope. Bash her head into the concrete."

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