Bill Bar warns that the GOP must win against Democrats in 2024 since Harris is 'in the batting circle with Joe Biden'

 April 25, 2024

Former Attorney General Bill Barr warned the GOP that President Joe Biden's reelection could lead to Vice President Kamala Harris becoming president, Breitbart reported. Barr made these remarks on Fox Business Network's "Kudlow" program Wednesday.

Barr, who served under Trump, has been critical of his former boss in the past. However, now he's changing his tune and warning that the GOP must win in 2024.

"Well, I’ve said, yeah, the choice now is a binary choice between these two candidates, and of the two, I support President Trump," Barr said. The former attorney general believes Trump will do a better job on issues such as crime, the border, and foreign policy, noting "I trust President Trump to do that much more so than President Biden, I think."

The Harris Problem

Barr is right that Trump is much better at handling the problems facing America. He went on to echo sentiments that even Democrats share about a second term for Biden, who will be 82 years old when he's sworn in if he wins reelection.

"I also worry very much that in the batting circle with Joe Biden is Vice President Kamala Harris. I feel that under these circumstances, the Republicans have to win in November," Barr said.

The Los Angeles Times reported that a majority of voters don't believe Harris is qualified to fill Biden's shoes as president should something happen to him. As of March, only 38% believed she was qualified compared to 54% who said she was not.

"If there was a health event for either nominee, the VP is front and center in terms of people who may be on the fence, people who may dislike both candidates. And there are a lot whose decision may hinge on a comfort level with the vice presidential choice," pollster David Paleologos said of the results in his USA Today/Suffolk poll.

In her attempt to lay low, Harris has not come out of the woodwork except to push the abortion issue, which Democrats see as a winner. Still, it won't be enough to overcome her unpopularity, considering the obvious fact that Biden is unlikely to make it another four years.

Beyond Repair

Despite Barr's accurate assessment of the best choice for 2024, his relationship with the former president seems beyond repair. Trump took to Truth Social to slam Barr after he gave his endorsement.

“Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him ‘Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy’ (New York Post!)," the former president wrote, The Hill reported.

"Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word ‘Lethargic’ from my statement. Thank you Bill," Trump quipped.

Until recently, Barr was publicly critical of Trump. The two fell out after Barr did not support the then-president's claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Barr is right to put aside the past and back Trump in the 2024 presidential election. Even if he is a flawed leader and their two have their differences, Trump is still far and away a better choice than Biden and certainly Harris.

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