Biden's name could be off ballot in ANOTHER state

 April 10, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Officials in a second state, Alabama, now are warning that Joe Biden's name could be left off of the 2024 presidential election ballot because it appears his nomination by Democrats in his party will come after a legal deadline passes.

The Biden campaign, however, isn't worried, as a spokesman explained to Fox News that Democrats are counting on state officials' "ability to grant provisional ballot access certification" to their candidate.

The earlier situation, WND reported, developed in Ohio.

There, a law requires the names of nominees by Aug. 7, but the Democrats aren't even scheduled to meet to nominate Biden until Aug. 19.

The law came to the attention of Democrats recently when Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose notified them.

In a letter to Democrat party chief Liz Walters, LaRose confirmed, "The Democratic National Convention is scheduled to convene on August 19, 2024, which occurs more than a week after the August 7 deadline to certify a presidential candidate to the office…"

The American Center for Law and Justice, which has fought on behalf of election integrity and ballot fairness, pointedly noted, "Remember when the far Left tried to disqualify President Donald Trump from state primary ballots? The ACLJ won at the U.S. Supreme Court to protect your right to vote for the candidate of your choice."

In fact, Democrats across America have spent months and likely uncounted dollars trying to get President Donald Trump banned from the 2024 presidential ballot.

They've pushed the "insurrectionist" talking point over the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol, ever since those events happened.

They've worked at the state level, in Colorado, to obtain a ruling from an all-Democrat state Supreme Court that his name shouldn't appear. Two other states followed Colorado's agenda, but that agenda was stopped in its tracks by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Democrats even have assembled a long list of questionable claims against Trump – in court – to try to make sure Americans are not allowed to check his name on the ballot in November.

State officials in Ohio suggested that the Democrats will have to change the date of their nominating convention, or the state legislature must change state law to accommodate the party's blunder.

The issue is similar in Alabama, concerning a deadline.

But Fox reported a Biden spokesman assured the network that state officials will "grant provisional ballot access certification" before the Democrats meet.

Officials in Alabama pointed out the problem in letters to the Alabama Democrat Party and the Democratic National Committee. Secretary of State Wes Allen said the law there requires the nominations by August 15.

"It has recently come to my attention that the Democratic National Convention is currently scheduled to convene on August 19, 2024, which is after the State of Alabama’s statutory deadline for political parties to provide a certificate of nomination for President and Vice President on August 15, 2024," Allen confirmed. "The certificate of nomination must be signed by the presiding officer and secretary of the convention and by the chair of the state executive committee of the political party making the nomination."

In fact, Allen explained, "If this Office has not received a valid certificate of nomination from the Democratic Party following its convention by the statutory deadline, I will be unable to certify the names of the Democratic Party’s candidates for President and Vice President for ballot preparation for the 2024 general election."

State officials in Ohio suggested that the Democrats will have to change the date of their nominating convention, or the state legislature must change state law to accommodate the party's blunder.

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