Biden's 'culpability' for Hamas slaughter of Israelis revealed

 December 13, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A column published by Real Clear Wire has launched an examination of Joe Biden's "culpability" for the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel when some 1,400 civilians were slaughtered.

The column is by Ben Weingarten, a fellow at the Claremont Institute and a senior contributor at the Federalist.

It was on Oct. 7 that Hamas terrorists invaded Israel from Gaza, butchering people wholesale. They beheaded babies and burned whole families alive, committing horrendous violations on the bodies of the dead.

What led up to the atrocities? Weingarten explains:

"The Biden White House has sought to upend the Trump administration's Middle East policy that had fostered the warming Israeli-Arab relations codified in the Abraham Accords; imperiled Iran’s mullahcracy through a maximum pressure campaign of which the Abraham Accords were one part, and overwhelming force, prudently applied, was another; and stood with the Jewish state against hostile and recalcitrant Palestinian Arab forces," he wrote.

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