Biden's Air Force One 'precautions' are put in the spotlight

 February 19, 2024

The various "precautions" that have been put into place for President Joe Biden's use of Air Force One are raising eyebrows. 

The precautions, according to the Washington Examinerinclude Biden's "frequent use of the shorter ladder." They also include the positioning of a Secret Service agent "at the base of the [aircraft's] stairs."

Biden has had several mishaps boarding the plane, falling on the steps on multiple occasions. Presumably, these precautions are put into place to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

The problem, however, is that Americans are concerned about Biden's mental and physical condition, and these precautions are just one more indication that old age is getting to the president.

The latest

Biden, according to the Examiner, has been using the shorter stairs to board Air Force One since at least last year.

Per the outlet, "Air Force One has two different ladders the president uses to board before flights. One is longer and allows the president to board to a higher point on the plane, while the other, with fewer steps, allows boarding to a lower point. Biden began using the shorter stairs after various trips and falls last year."

The stationing of the Secret Service agent at the bottom of the stairs, however, is a newer development that was first reported by the New York Times

The Times report, in general, highlights the various ways in which the White House has been looking to protect Biden. The outlet reports that aides "worry that even small mistakes [made by Biden] will be amplified."

The White House, in other words, is aware of the fact that voters have serious concerns about Biden's mental and physical condition, and, it, thus, is trying to find ways to hide Biden's condition from the public, in light of the fact that he is up for reelection.

"An elderly man" with "poor memory"

The Examiner reports that the newer precautions "come in the wake of special counsel Robert Hur's report."

Hur is the man who was tasked with investigating whether or not Biden unlawfully mishandled classified materials.

While Hur concluded that Biden did, in fact, mishandle classified materials, he chose not to prosecute the president, because, in his view, a jury would be unlikely to find Biden guilty.

Why? Hur reasoned that a jury would be unlikely to find Biden guilty because he is "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

This report has served only to confirm Americans' concerns about Biden's mental and physical health. Now, the White House is trying to find ways to undermine Hur's report, but, thus far, their attempts have proven to be unsuccessful.

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