Biden's abortion radicals promise more attacks on pro-lifers

 December 6, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Joe Biden's administration is promising more attacks on pro-lifers across America, assuring abortion promoters at a meeting this week that officials will be working "creatively and aggressively" on their campaign to bring about the deaths of the unborn.

At a meeting of the Reproductive Rights Task Force Vanita Gupta, an associate attorney general, insisted Biden's bureaucrats are "closely monitoring" any "threats" to abortion. "We remain committed to doing all we can."

The reaction from pro-life activists to her agenda of killing the unborn was direct.

"If Assistant Attorney General Gupta wants to talk about devastation, she should be talking about the more than 60 million babies murdered by abortionists since Roe v. Wade; about the CDC data showing for every two black babies born alive, one is killed by an abortionist; or about the one in three women experiencing severe depression following an abortion," charged Mary Szoch, director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council, in a report in The Washington Stand.

Her comments are "a sign that Assistant AG Gupta is a promoter of the culture of death," Szoch said.

Joe Biden set up the special operations panel shortly after the Supreme Court overturned the longstanding and extremely faulty Roe v. Wade precedent in its Dobbs decision.

"It has since presided over an explosion of prosecutions using the FACE Act, a 1994 law signed by President Bill Clinton targeting Operation Rescue-style blockades of abortion facilities. The law charges a $10,000 fine for a first conviction and up to six months in jail. Each subsequent conviction can add $25,000 in fines and up to 18 months in prison for peaceful protests; 10 years if convicted of causing any bodily injury," The Stand report said.

However, while the law is supposed to protect abortion businesses and pro-life pregnancy resource centers, Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, said that's not been the case, because of a pro-abortion bias in Washington.

"Out of 130 uses of the FACE Act since 1994, 126 were for pro-abortion activists and in defense of abortion providers, and four have been for pro-life Americans and/or churches," he noted.

In fact, the report noted the DOJ has "shockingly" protected few women's centers, even though they are 22 times more likely to be under attack than abortion industry centers.

The report noted Biden has won 23 of the 24 cases he has pursued under FACE, involving 55 defendants.

"This prosecution spree represents a massive uptick in the criminalization of pro-life activity since the Dobbs decision. Biden has prosecuted 24 cases in less than three years. In the 10 years before Biden took office (2011-2021), the Obama and Trump administrations combined prosecuted only 17 FACE Act cases," the report said.

Gupta promised the authorities who have become part of the pro-abortion movement will continue to "use all our available tools" to protect the abortion industry.

However, the facts are that during the first six months after the Dobbs decision, 32,000 children who would have been aborted were born thanks to state pro-life laws, the report noted.

Congressman Roy pointed out Biden is ramping up attacks on pro-lifers.

"According to the Family Research Council, there were 57 pro-abortion acts of hostility against churches" from January to September 2022, "and in the first quarter of 2023, there were 69 incidents of hostility against churches. In the face of this increase, you would expect the [DOJ’s] Civil Rights division to step up and protect the civil rights of these Americans," he said.

It didn't.

Roy told Kristen Clarke, another assistant AG, "Even under your watch, it’s at least 35 to one or two. That is not even-handed."

Joe Biden's bias toward abortion has been apparent since before he took office, and in the Oval office that, along with transgenderism, has become one of his key agenda points.

Clarke did not describe any increase in prosecutions aimed at protecting resource centers, the report said.

Instead, the DOJ has prosecuted a Catholic monk, an 87-year-old Holocaust survivor, and a long list of pro-lifers who are in the 60s and 70s, the report said.

These prosecutions came even at the same time as activists were discovering the bodies of five viable babies at a Washington, D.C., abortion business.

Republicans, in fact, have proposed ending the FACE Act and restoring First Amendment rights to protesters.

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