Biden warned terror attack on U.S. not 'if' but 'when'

 April 29, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Joe Biden is being warned that a new terror attack on the United States is not a matter of "if," but "when."

The word comes from Ahmad Massoud, the son of Ahmad Shah Massoud, a legendary Afghanistan resistance leader known as the "Lion of Pamjshir," who was assassinated by al-Qaida just before 9/11.

The young Massoud now leads the anti-Taliban resistance in Afghanistan.

The Taliban, of course, is the terror organization that took over the nation, literally within hours of the U.S. military following Biden's abrupt orders to flee Afghanistan. Biden's orders included the military leaving behind tens of billions of dollars worth of American war machinery for the Taliban to use – and sell since some of those pieces of equipment have now been spotted in other terror hotspots in the Middle East.

Massoud's warning is that terror is "breeding" in the vacuum left behind by Biden's disorganized pullout in August 2021.

report in the Daily Mail explains Massoud, who holds a degree in war studies from King's College in London, confirmed that terror activities and recruitment have reached historic highs in the 30 months since Biden's orders.

Massoud, head of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, told the publication, "An attack on U.S. or European soil is very much possible now."

The turmoil inside Afghanistan is large, he said, what with rivalries between terror factions and feelings people have of being abandoned by the West, as Biden's decision left them at the hands of brutal terrorists who are stripping residents of their rights, such as the right for girls to go to school.

He suggested that Biden rethink his Afghanistan policy or face the consequences.

President Trump had reached an agreement to pull the U.S. out of Afghanistan, but it included conditions. Biden simply ordered the soldiers home, leaving behind thousands of Americans and Afghanis who had worked with the U.S. mission there.

Massoud now operates a guerrilla warfare, and uses diplomacy when he can, to restore the rights of Afghanistan residents.

The suppression now is to the point that he said, TV networks have been closed down because the government claims they didn't do enough to spread Islam.

He said he knows there are other issues, but if the world ignores Afghanistan, it could have a global impact.

He explained, "The political situation is helping the Taliban massively. From Ukraine to the war on Gaza, and many other things happening around the globe. It helps the fatigue (from the West) when they are busy elsewhere. There is a numbness in the West. They are forgetting about what's happening in Afghanistan."

He said if Afghanistan got the kind of support from the West that now is going to Ukraine, "the Taliban would not be able to stand against us."

The report noted former head of U.S. Central Command General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. also has warned that the Islamic State has grown since the U.S. left Afghanistan, and the demands to attack the U.S. are growing.

And Massoud said, "‘They are expanding and they're recruiting. They are recruiting more and more people inside Afghanistan to be foot soldiers for many other terrorist groups. Not just the Taliban, Al-Qaida, and Daesh (The Islamic State) but for many other groups. An attack on US or European soil is very much possible now. It is not about a matter of if, it's a matter of when."

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