Biden to visit border now that he's blaming Republicans for illegal immigration

By Jen Krausz on
 February 27, 2024

Now that the White House can blame Republicans for not passing border security legislation, President Joe Biden has decided to visit the border on Thursday to use his bully pulpit. 

“Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas, in the Rio Grande Valley, an area that often sees large numbers of border crossings,” the Monday report said.

“He will meet with border agents and discuss the need for bipartisan legislation,” it added.

Biden has been public about his plans to blame the other side for illegal immigration even though he reversed all of Trump's policies on day one of his term and record numbers of migrants have been streaming across the border for more than three years.

Blaming Trump

“I’ll be taking this issue to the country … Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends,” Biden claimed on February 7.

But the visit will only be the second time he has been to the border, and the first visit was to an area without many crossings.

More than 6.2 million illegal immigrants have been allowed by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to enter the country, which amounts to two migrants for every three live births in the U.S.

Illegal immigration is unpopular with voters because it drains taxpayer resources, makes rents higher, and takes away American jobs.

Voters blaming Biden

A new Gallup poll released on February 23 after the failure of the immigration bill showed Biden's approval at 38% and approval of his handling of immigration at 28%, a new low.

It seems like Americans are not fooled by Biden's sudden interest in the border, and know exactly where the blame lies.

It's a case of too little, too late on border security, no matter how Biden tries to spin it.

Biden's decision to reverse all of Trump's successful immigration and border policies has not only led to an influx of over 10 million illegal immigrants including gotaways, it has also led to an epidemic of fentanyl overdoses because of the trafficking of fentanyl across the now-virtually open border.

Leading cause of death

Fentanyl overdose is now the leading cause of death for American adults under 45.

Fentanyl causes 70% of overdose deaths because it is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. Even a tiny amount of fentanyl is enough to kill a person, and when drug dealers cut it into other drugs, they often make mistakes that cause fatal overdoses.

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