Biden DOJ prosecuting journalist 'for his J6 reporting'

 March 1, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A report from The Blaze reveals that one of its reporters, investigative writer Steve Baker, has been arrested and shackled by the FBI for "his J6 reporting."

I guess now they’re arresting journalists to preserve democracy or something???

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 1, 2024

Blaze Media Investigative Journalist @TPC4USA has now been taken into FBI custody for his J6 reporting


— TheBlaze (@theblaze) March 1, 2024

The event captured the attention of investigative journalist Lara Logan, who called it "truly outrageous" and Donald Trump Jr., who said, "I guess now they're arresting journalists to preserve democracy or something???"

The report said Baker was shackled during a court appearance but was expected to be released with a pending hearing set for March 14.

The Blaze publication's report said Baker for years "has been searching for the truth about Jan. 6, 2021, and believes the U.S. government has been targeting him for it — on Friday was charged with four misdemeanors related to his Jan. 6 coverage at the U.S. Capitol after turning himself in to the FBI in Dallas."

The report listed the charges to include "knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building," "disorderly and disruptive conduct," "disorderly conduct in a capitol building" and "parading or picketing."

The report said the DOJ kept the charges secret until the arrest, which his Dallas attorney, James Lee Bright, described as "really unusual."

"Bright told Blaze News that he's 'disturbed' about what's happening with his client, especially given that Baker has been 'in full compliance' all this time. Bright also said the federal government 'three-plus years later going after people who were legitimate functioning journalists that day' appears designed to have an 'absolute chilling effect,'" Baker's publication said.

After accompanying Baker, Blaze Media editor-in-chief Matthew Peterson wrote online, "Tough to watch. Totally unnecessary. There was no reason to take him into custody and have U.S. marshals transport him to the courthouse. We expect and hope to see him on the other side of this in a few hours."

Glenn Beck, who co-founded Blaze Media, pointed out, "When the United States government can come after individuals, that's when you know our republic is crumbling. I've always said that if they can go after Donald Trump, they will go after people like you and me. And now they are. But Steve Baker is not deterred, and neither are we."

The report cited the expectation by lawyers of "retaliation" against Baker for his reporting, which included several major stories about events that day.


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