Biden considering amnesty and green cards for illegals

 March 26, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Over the last few months, especially in light of record-setting numbers of illegal aliens entering the U.S. under Joe Biden's open borders policies, even White House officials were beginning to think that they may have to crack down on the criminal activities on the border.

That's no longer a priority.

A report at Daily Caller News Foundation notes that Biden is thinking about granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

"Biden and his administration are weighing several ideas to take a tougher stance on the southern border crisis and illegal immigration amid criticisms he has thus far failed to act on either," the report said. "The administration could start doling out green cards to illegal immigrants who have long stayed inside the United States, thereby giving them amnesty to stay in the country, three people familiar with the planning told Politico."

This plan would give aliens who have been living in the U.S. for more than 10 years access to the cancellation of a removal program provided that they have relatives who would suffer if they were deported, the report said.

Then Biden would give out green cards, which grants permanent residency permission.

Three officials reported, in a Politico report, that would represent a larger effort by Biden to take action on behalf of illegal immigrants who have long stayed inside the U.S., similar to Barack Obama's highly controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals agenda.

The Politico report noted that Biden had been discussing executive actions on the border "to curb migration."

However, Biden did nothing and that's about what should be expected in the future, the report said.

"Inside the White House, aides do not feel a sense of urgency like they did before, even as the issue of immigration remains a chief concern for voters," the report said.

"The administration’s change in posture is owed, in part, to the downtick in migration numbers following a record-breaking number of illegal crossings in December. There remain questions about whether any action taken by the White House would pass legal muster. But while internal conversations around policy moves have continued, Biden aides also note that media coverage is less intense than it was earlier this year."

One source told Politico, "They’re in that pretty classic mode of, nothing is on fire right now."

Politico noted Biden still could move forward, but no specific action that previously was considered has yet been confirmed – or ruled out.

But the attitude now, the report said, is that Biden "has some space to deal with the matter."

The speculation by observers is that Biden's team thinks the politics turned in their favor by the rejection in Congress of a border deal, and the House focus on the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the report said.

The invasion by illegal aliens, however, remains a hot topic in this 2024 election year, with large numbers of Americans putting that as their biggest concern.

Republicans have pointed out that Biden deliberately opened the border, and then publicized his plans to accept all illegals who arrived when he took office and canceled President Donald Trump's mostly effective security measures.

They point out that if Biden wanted a secure border, he simply could restore those programs.

Biden has claimed Congress has to act before he can do anything.

The Daily Caller News Foundation report said Biden also has been considering more support for states and cities that have seen hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens dumped on their streets.

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