Biden campaign shuts down invitation for a third debate with Trump

 May 19, 2024

Over the past week or so, multiple deals have been struck regarding upcoming debates between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. 

Trump has capitalized on the situation at every turn, with many still wondering how Biden -- given his cognitive decline -- will last even a few minutes on stage with Trump, who will undoubtedly go for Biden's jugular.

According to Mediaite, it appears as if the Biden campaign is tired of the debate subject, as the campaign put a halt to negotiating a third debate.

The news came in the wake of a flurry of statements made by both sides regarding the scheduled debates they agreed upon.

Trump pushed for more

As any reasonable and honest person will admit, it's in Trump's heavy favor to be in a public debate against Biden. The elderly president is already struggling with approval numbers, and everyone knows that Biden on a debate stage will be nothing less than a torpedo to his public image.

After agreeing to two debates last week, Trump and his campaign decided to push for more debates because, why not? Trump has everything to gain.

Apparently, the Biden campaign drew a line in the sand on a third debate, which was an invitation from NBC News/TelemundoThe campaign made it clear that it's done talking about debates.

"The debate about debates is over. No more games," a Biden campaign official said regarding the third debate invitation.

In true Trump fashion, the former president seized upon the declined invitation.

"The Telemundo/NBC debate would be widely watched by Hispanic voters, but Biden’s handlers are petrified to allow him to defend his disastrous record,” a campaign spokeswoman said. “Crooked Joe Biden is too ‘cobarde’ to address the Hispanic community and answer for his failures on the debate stage!" Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Social media reacts

Discussion about a potential third debate and Biden declining the invitation flooded social media. Many don't even believe Biden will make the first two debates.

"I'm betting he's not attending because they'll replace him by then," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "If Biden refuses Fox debate, Trump should change mind and cancel 1 of the other two. Better yet, make Fox one a town hall style. No debate , but candidates just do one on one with moderators."

Only time will tell if the Biden administration ultimately agrees to more than two debates.

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