Biden campaign reportedly planning major fundraiser event featuring former Presidents Clinton and Obama

 January 30, 2024

Though it would likely never be openly admitted, President Joe Biden's re-election campaign is struggling and in need of serious assistance.

That is evidenced by the revelation that Biden will soon receive a helping hand on his quest to remain in the White House from the two most recent Democratic occupants, former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Business Insider reported.

Plans are said to be in the works for a major event featuring all three presidents together on the same stage to raise substantial cash for the campaign and motivate unenthusiastic voters to cast a ballot in support of another four-year term for Biden.

Major fundraising event in the planning phase

NBC News reported over the weekend that, according to four unnamed sources, President Biden's campaign was working out the details of a "first-of-its-kind fundraiser" event that it hoped would result in a financial windfall and increased support for the Democratic incumbent seeking a second term in the White House.

That event, tentatively scheduled to take place in March or April, though no date has been set yet, will include Biden and his two most recent Democratic predecessors as part of an "all-hands-on-deck approach" to the challenge of defeating former President Donald Trump in a likely 2024 rematch of the 2020 election.

The goal of the fundraiser is obviously to raise substantial amounts of money for the campaign, though it is also hoped that the star power of former Presidents Clinton and Obama will help motivate Democratic and independent voters who aren't particularly excited to vote for Biden for another four-year term.

Per the anonymous sources, there is also a possibility for a similar second event later in the year if the first one is determined to have been successful in accomplishing the stated goals.

Biden campaign now getting "aggressive" ahead of general election

NBC News further reported that in addition to the tentatively scheduled fundraiser featuring the three most recent Democratic presidents, the Biden campaign has also recently shifted itself into general election mode earlier than expected due to Trump's success in achieving overwhelming victories in the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary.

That includes hiring more campaign workers, particularly in the swing states, launching a multi-million dollar anti-Trump ad campaign, and getting "aggressive" on the campaign trail with more appearances and events by President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other top campaign surrogates.

"There is real focus and urgency around making sure we beat Trump," one unnamed Biden adviser told the outlet of the major fundraiser that is still in the planning stages. "Everyone is all in. And this kind of event early on is just the latest demonstration of that."

Multiple factors weighing down Biden's campaign

One impetus for the effort to call in the assistance of Democratic big guns like former Presidents Clinton and Obama is the fact that most voters simply aren't enthusiastic about their choices for 2024, according to Reuters, particularly for President Biden, who is widely viewed as being "too old" to continue serving as the president, to say nothing of the public perception of his declining physical and mental health and capabilities.

Another reason the help is needed is the drag on Biden's campaign caused by his perpetually dismal job approval ratings, which have been at or below 40% for nearly a year and have rendered him the most unpopular president of either party in the modern era -- currently even lower than former President Jimmy Carter at the same point in his disastrous single term.

On top of that, most 2024 general election polls show former President Trump with a lead over Biden. In fact, Trump currently holds an average four-point lead over his rival, which is almost exactly opposite from the roughly 4.8-point lead Biden held over Trump at the same point in the 2020 election cycle.

It obviously remains to be seen how effective and successful the planned fundraiser event involving Clinton and Obama will be for Biden's campaign, assuming it actually happens, and it is difficult to say what the campaign may feel compelled to do next if that presidential trio fail to meet expectations to raise sufficient campaign cash or get unmotivated voters off the sidelines.

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