Biden 'angry and anxious' about reelection campaign: report

 March 18, 2024

President Joe Biden is privately growing "angry and anxious" about his reelection. 

This is according to a report, published over the weekend, by NBC News.

The report is titled, Behind the scene, Biden has grown angry and anxious about the re-election effort. Biden locked up the Democratic nomination last week, but looking ahead to the general election, anxiety has seemed to increase. 

As we will see, there is every reason for Biden to be "angry and anxious."

Here's what has Biden worried:

According to NBC News' report, Biden has been particularly unsettled by his poor polling in battleground states.

"President Joe Biden was seething. In a private meeting at the White House in January, allies of the president had just told him that his poll numbers in Michigan and Georgia had dropped over his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas," NBC News reports.

The outlet continues, "Both are battleground states he narrowly won four years ago, and he can’t afford any backsliding if he is to once again defeat Donald Trump. He began to shout and swear, a lawmaker familiar with the meeting said. He believed he had been doing what was right, despite the political fallout, he told the group, according to the lawmaker."

This may help to explain the White House's shift, in recent weeks, with regard to the Israel-Hamas war.

It's clear that Biden now seems to think that a more pro-Palestinian approach will better suit his reelection campaign.

It's almost all bad

It is no secret that Biden is facing a steep uphill climb to reelection.

His approval rating, on average, currently sits at only 40.2%, according to Real Clear Politics. Some individual polls have Biden below 40%, which NBC notes is "is lower than that of the last three presidents who went on to lose re-election."

But, this is only part of Biden's problem. The polls show that he is significantly underwater on just about every major political issue, including the economy, foreign policy, immigration, inflation, crime, and much more.

And, perhaps, the most troubling polls of all are the ones showing that Biden is trailing Trump in just about every battleground state. Forbes, at the end of February, reported, "Biden is trailing Trump by an average of five points in the seven swing states: North Carolina (9), Arizona (6), Georgia (6), Nevada (6), Pennsylvania (6), Wisconsin (4) and Michigan (2), the Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll found."

Biden, since then, has begun an aggressive reelection campaign strategy that started with his State of the Union Address. But, this did not produce any positive bump in the polls. So, indeed, there is every reason for Biden to be "angry and anxious" about his reelection chances.

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