Attorney general accused of playing politics with Biden interview

 March 25, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Some information already has come out about Special Counsel Robert Hur's interviews with Joe Biden, including that he was unable to remember key periods of his life, that he was confused about when he was vice president, and that he was vague about a lot of other critical facts.

That, of course, is what contributed to Hur's recommendation that Biden not be charged with mishandling classified documents, even though there was an abundance of evidence that's exactly what happened.

But that dispute still is not over, as the Department of Justice so far has refused to provide members of Congress investigating Biden for possible impeachment with the information about those interviews.

A letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland now accuses him of playing politics with the information. Or else deliberately misleading members.

In a renewed demand for details about those interviews, Rep. James Comer, chief of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and Rep. Jim Jordan, chief of the Judiciary Committee, warned Garland, "The Department continues to withhold additional material responsive to the Committees’ subpoenas—specifically the audio recordings of Special Counsel Hur’s interviews with President Biden and the transcript and audio recordings of Special Counsel Hur’s interviews with Mr. Zwonitzer. The February 27 subpoenas create a legal obligation on you to produce this material. Accordingly, the Committees expect you to produce all responsive materials no later than noon on April 8, 2024. If you fail to do so, the Committees will consider taking further action, such as the invocation of contempt of Congress proceedings."

They noted they had asked for the information, then subpoenaed the information, and have yet to see the full file that is available.

"According to news reports, several news outlets received and reviewed the transcripts of Special Counsel Hur’s interviews with President Biden before they were produced to the Committees, despite the Department’s representation that it had only completed the 'interagency review' of the transcripts the morning of March 12 shortly before it produced the transcripts to the Committees. Because the Department and the White House were presumably the only two entities with copies of the transcripts before the Committees received them, we can only assume that, for political purposes, the Department and White House provided the transcripts to news outlets before the Department completed its 'interagency review' process. If that is not the case, we can only assume that the Department misled the Committees about the timing of its completion of such process," they explained.

They are investigating, among other things, "Biden's "willful" mishandling of classified documents.

Mark Zwonitzer is a ghost-writer with whom Biden worked after he left the vice presidency. The details released so far reveal that Biden not only told him of his access to classified materials but read some of them to the ghost-writer, who did not have a security clearance.

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