Arrests made in theft incident involving Naomi Biden's Secret Service detail reveals she is no longer living in White House with presidential grandfather

 February 24, 2024

Naomi Biden, the daughter of Hunter Biden and granddaughter of President Joe Biden, was reportedly living at the White House for at least several months in 2022.

It now appears that Naomi fled the White House to reside elsewhere in Washington D.C. at some unspecified point last year, as was revealed by an incident involving her U.S. Secret Service protective detail and a couple of since-arrested would-be carjackers, The New York Sun reported.

Court filings related to the arrests earlier this month of two teenage thieves appear to confirm the speculation that first arose during the incident involving Secret Service agents in November last year.

Naomi lived in the White House "for a few months" in 2022

In November 2022, The Hill reported that Naomi Biden confirmed in an interview that she and her then-fiancé, now husband Peter Neal, had moved into the White House several months earlier in preparation for their big wedding event on the South Lawn of the presidential residence.

Biden and Neal, along with their dog, had asked the president and first lady if they could stay at the White House "for a few months" after their lease on a D.C. apartment had expired earlier in 2022.

The outlet noted that it is not at all uncommon for extended family members of a president and first lady to live in the executive mansion, at least temporarily, and notably, the parents and mother of former first ladies Melania Trump and Michelle Obama, respectively, did indeed live in the White House alongside their daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren at different points in time.

Secret Service incident reveals Naomi no longer resides in White House

It is unclear when, exactly, Naomi Biden and her husband moved out of the White House, though that appears to have occurred before a November 2023 theft incident involving a Secret Service vehicle used by members of Naomi's protective detail, according to an NBC News report at that time.

The incident reportedly occurred outside Naomi's Georgetown residence and involved two to three unknown individuals who were caught in the act of breaking into the Secret Service vehicle, during which they allegedly stole several items and fled the scene when confronted, nearly running over one of the agents and prompting them to fire at least one round from their service weapon.

At the time, an agency spokesman said, "There was no threat to any protectees and the incident is being investigated by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the Secret Service."

Two teenage thieves arrested and charged

According to the BBC, two teenagers have since been arrested in connection with that theft, including Robert Kemp, 19, on Feb. 7, and an unnamed 14-year-old juvenile, who was taken into custody on Feb. 16.

Kemp had been found in possession of a stolen vehicle, believed to be the car in which the thieves fled months earlier, that contained several items stolen from the Secret Service vehicle, a black Ford Expedition SUV, including night-vision goggles and a protective vest, among other things.

Kemp, who has been released from custody and is due back in court next week, was charged with theft and unauthorized use of a vehicle, while the unnamed 14-year-old juvenile -- who was identified by way of a GPS ankle monitor he was wearing at the time and is suspected of involvement in a ride-share carjacking ring -- faces at least three counts of armed carjacking.

Why does Naomi Biden have Secret Service protection?

Both the BBC and The NY Sun noted that carjackings in the nation's capital have surged to record highs over the past few years, even as crime generally has been trending downward across much of the country.

As for the Secret Service protective detail for President Biden's granddaughter, while not unheard of, is not typical for extended members of the president's family, and may be due to her outspoken activities on social media in defense of her father and grandfather that has likely resulted in some threats against her from their political opponents.

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