Appeals court agrees to review Fani Willis' misbehavior in Trump case

 May 18, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis' handling of her organized crime case against President Donald Trump now is facing a new roadblock.

Her case alleges RICO violations for Trump's opinions about the highly controversial 2020 election, and his decision to express those opinions.

She's already facing a state legislative investigation, a threat of a contempt citation from Congress, a lawsuit over her response about her records, claims she illegally recorded a telephone call with a defense lawyer, and more.

The biggest headache she's created in the case is her decision to hire her paramour, at a cost of nearly $700,000 to taxpayers, to work on the case against Trump.

A trial judge already ruled that either Willis had to go, or the paramour had to go, and he resigned immediately.

But Trump and other defendants appealed the decision by Judge Scott McAfee to allow Willis to remain, despite her "tremendous lapse in judge" and the aura of "mendacity" around the case.

Now the Daily Mail confirms, "The Georgia Court of Appeals has given a green light to Donald Trump's case to remove Fani Willis from his election fraud trial in the latest blow to the Fulton County DA."

Trump and other defendants had asked the higher court to overturn McAfee's ruling and remove Willis from the case entirely.

That would throw Willis' agenda – she has insisted on a trial and conviction before the election – into chaos. The case likely would be presented to a different prosecutor who may have to start the investigation all over in order to develop a charge.

There's not even a timeline yet for the appeal to be heard.

Trump has pleaded not guilty in the case and has accused the prosecution of running a politically motivated agenda against him, in an effort to injure his campaign.

Trump lawyer in the Georgia case Steven Sadow indicated in a statement that he won't relent in the effort to bump Willis from the case, the report confirmed.

"President Trump looks forward to presenting interlocutory arguments to the Georgia Court of Appeals as to why the case should be dismissed and Fulton County DA Willis should be disqualified for her misconduct in this unjustified, unwarranted political persecution," Sadow explained.

WND reported earlier Willis got a huge vote of no-confidence from longtime constitutional expert and Democrat activist Alan Dershowitz, a retired Harvard professor.

He said, "She ought to be on trial for perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury, witness tampering. The evidence is overwhelming that she committed perjury, including technical scientific evidence and several witnesses.

"Essentially, she got kickbacks for appointing this highly unqualified person to head the prosecution. I sure hope the appellate court takes the case and throws her out of the case and recommends that there be a criminal investigation … we have to have an independent prosecutor of some kind looking into what is an open and shut case of perjury," he said.

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