AOC smears Clarence Thomas and his wife without evidence

 January 10, 2024

On Monday, New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez verbally attacked Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife.

The New York lawmaker made her comments in an effort to get Thomas to step down from a case that would involve former President Donald Trump, as The Blaze reported.

The Supreme Court has agreed to consider Trump's appeal of the Colorado Supreme Court's decision that he is not qualified to be president, as announced last week.

Following Thomas's ruling, Ocasio-Cortez claimed on CNN that it would constitute a "scandal."

The accusations

Thomas has been charged by the high-profile millennial congresswoman with being part of an insurrection, and saying he's therefore unfit to sit on the bench of the nation's high court in the event of a case involving Trump.

"I think it's very clear Clarence Thomas, and, rather, his wife, Ginni, participated in the events of Jan. 6," Ocasio-Cortez told CNN anchor Anderson Cooper without evidence.

The lawmaker went on:

"And now what is likely going before the Supreme Court is a judgment as to whether an event that his wife participated in, that his wife has been investigated by, in the Jan. 6 committee in, qualifies as an insurrection," she continued.

"And Clarence Thomas' decision on that one way or another, and overall the court's decision on that, would directly implicate his wife.

Ocasio-Cortez went on to say that her legal opinion is that the justice and scholar should be allowed to weigh in: "So this is just one of the most classic textbook conflicts of interest and it would, frankly, be a scandal if he did not recuse himself."

Response to The Comments

Cooper remained silent regarding all of Ocasio-Cortez's fallacious assertions.

However, it has been established that the justice's wife, Ginni Thomas did not "participate" in the disturbance that occurred at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, as the term is used in American political jargon.

However, she did attend the pro-Trump rally that was held outside the Capitol mere hours prior to the outbreak of violence.

Furthermore, Ginni Thomas has not faced any charges pertaining to insurrection, or any other criminal offense. Ocasio-Cortez hypothesized that had she engaged in any misconduct pertaining to January 6, the Justice Department would have undoubtedly brought her to justice, given its zealous pursuit of lawbreakers on Capitol Hill on that date.

Furthermore, it is not anticipated that the Supreme Court will render a verdict regarding the classification of January 6 as a "insurrection."

On the contrary, the matter at hand pertains to the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling regarding President Trump's exclusion from the 2024 presidential primary ballot, as stated in Trump's petition for certiorari.

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