ANOTHER judge overturns election, citing ballot fraud

 December 6, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

An election result in Louisiana has been overturned by a judge because of the issue of election fraud.

It's an issue becoming more and more apparent in recent years, even though Democrats claim it essentially doesn't exist.

report from KTBS reveals that ad hoc Judge Joe Bleich has issued a ruling saying "it was proven beyond a doubt there were at least 11 illegal votes cast and counted" in a Caddo Parish sheriff's election.

"It is legally impossible to know what the true vote should have been," wrote the judge, who voided the Nov. 18 count.

The dispute also includes a lawsuit by candidate John Nickelson against candidate Henry Whitehorn and elections officials, with his claim about the count that gave Whitehorn a one-vote victory.

"We are humbled and so grateful that the court ruled in favor of our challenge. The court’s ruling is a victory for election integrity, and we should all be confident that in March the voters of Caddo Parish will make their voices heard definitively on who should be the next sheriff of our parish. I plan to work doubly hard to make sure that every voter knows why our vision for Caddo Parish as a safer, stronger community is worthy of their vote," Nickelson wrote on social media.

Whitehorn now has asked the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal to quash the judge's decision.

Nickelson's lawyer, Scott L. Sternberg, noted it's extraordinary to challenge an election, but there was "rock-solid evidence" in the case.

The issues included double voting, felons voting, and irregular absentee and mail-in ballots, common issues in election disputes all across the country.

According to The Epoch Times, Bleich determined, "It was confirmed by witness testimony that two individuals voted twice, or 'double voted,' and that at least four individuals who were then and currently fully interdicted cast ballots in person the day of the election. It was further confirmed by testimony that several accepted absentee or mail-in ballots did not comply with Louisiana law, and should have been rejected."

A new runoff election has been ordered between Whitehorn, a Democrat, and Nickelson, a Republican.

More than 43,000 votes were cast in the race.

Nickelson charged that there were many irregularities.

"Many—dozens at a minimum—in the small sample of ballots we were able to inspect in the short time we had of these certificates had no signatures at all. In other words, ballots had been submitted without a voter signing it."

It's not the only case where an election, in fact, has been abandoned because of fraud.

WND recently reported a judge in Connecticut overturned a mayoral primary election because of a mail-in ballot stuffing fraud, setting a standard that holds serious implications for the entire nation.

The situation was documented by a report at the Gateway Pundit, which cited the decision by Superior Court Judge William Clark to order a new election.

The report explained, "The Gateway Pundit reported in September that mayoral candidate John Gomes' campaign released a damning video showing evidence of election fraud in the Bridgeport Democratic primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for 'possible misconduct.'"

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