Another Joe Biden-Fani Willis link is discovered

 March 4, 2024

It has now been discovered that a member of President Joe Biden's reelection team is the business partner of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis's deputy. 

Breitbart News broke this story after reviewing some financial disclosure forms.

"Chris Huttman, the business partner of Fulton County’s Deputy District Attorney Jeff DiSantis, works with President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, financial disclosures reviewed by Breitbart News show," the outlet reports.

Many are taking this as further confirmation that Biden has played some role in Willis's prosecution of former President Donald Trump.


Before we get to Breitbart's latest discovery, it will be helpful to provide some context.

Willis is prosecuting Trump and several of his allies, alleging that they committed various crimes when they attempted to challenge Georgia's results in the 2020 presidential election.

In recent months, it has come to light that Willis hired her lover, Nathan Wade, to prosecute Trump and that Willis awarded Wade a lucrative contract that Wade then used, in part, to take Willis on trips. Both have testified in court and have denied wrongdoing, but their testimony has been contradicted. And, it is looking likely that Willis is going to be removed from Trump's case.

In the meantime, Breitbart has discovered that Willis' deputy - Jeff DiSantis - is a "Biden plant." The outlet previously reported:

The Biden administration planted a Democrat operative [DiSantis] inside a Fulton County office to target former President Donald Trump, multiple sources familiar with the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office exclusively told Breitbart News.

Now, another connection has been made between DiSantis and Biden.

The latest

It turns out that Huttman, DiSantis's business partner, has direct ties to Biden's 2024 reelection campaign.

"Huttman is the 'head media buyer and strategist' at 'Media Buying and Analytics, LLC,' according to multiple press reports and a candidate advertisement agreement signed in 2023 with the Biden campaign," the outlet reports.

It continues, "Media Buying and Analytics is the top vendor for Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign . . . Huttman’s history with Biden goes back to the 2020 cycle, according to Federal Election Commission records."

Trump and many others have insisted that Willis, with her prosecution of Trump, has essentially been following Biden's marching orders - that she is running "election interference" for Biden's reelection campaign, considering that it is now a virtual certainty that Trump will face Biden in the general election.

Breitbart's reporting would suggest that that is no conspiracy theory - that Willis really is following Biden's orders.

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