Damning allegations of ethical and statutory violations by Fulton County DA Willis threaten complete dismissal of anti-Trump prosecution

 January 9, 2024

Damning bombshell allegations were just dropped on Georgia's Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis that threaten to significantly undermine her 2020 election-related criminal racketeering conspiracy indictment against former President Donald Trump and others, if not result in the complete dismissal of the case.

Willis is alleged to have hired without proper authorization a "special prosecutor" who lacks relevant legal experience and is involved in a romantic relationship with the DA and paid him lucratively with taxpayer funds from which she personally benefited, according to the New York Post.

Those allegations were raised by Michael Roman, a former Trump 2020 campaign official charged by Willis for his alleged role in crafting alternative elector slates in disputed states, who now has argued that the overt conflict of interest and apparent multiple rules violations by Willis should result in the dismissal of the charges against him.

Alleged unauthorized hiring of unqualified romantic partner as "special prosecutor"

In a 127-page filing, defendant Michael Roman, through his attorney Ashleigh Merchant, laid out a dizzying array of alleged conflicts of interests and legal violations involving Fulton County DA Willis and the "special prosecutor" she hired for the anti-Trump case, a local private attorney named Nathan Wade, with whom she is alleged to have had an ongoing multi-year romantic affair that predates the current case.

The motion alleged that Willis never sought the requisite approval for her decision to hire Wade as a special prosecutor -- despite his apparent lack of any relevant experience in felony or racketeering cases -- nor did Wade properly file his required oaths before beginning work on the case.

It was further asserted that Willis paid Wade at hourly rates above what any other attorneys on the team earned, including herself, and that Wade used some of the estimated $654,000+ received in taxpayer funds to finance romantic getaways for the prosecutorial duo to California, Florida, and the Caribbean, including at least two cruise ship vacations.

All of that and more would seemingly run afoul of multiple Georgia statutes and violate numerous provisions of the state's ethical guidelines for attorneys as laid out in the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, which should result in the disqualification of both Willis and Wade from the case and the dismissal of the criminal charges that Wade played a key role in obtaining from the grand jury.

Perhaps most ironically, given the supposed racketeering conspiracy that Willis has alleged against former President Trump and others, the motion explained that Willis and Wade themselves appear to have committed honest services fraud, repeated acts of which could serve as a predicate for federal racketeering conspiracy charges.

Billing records reveal meetings, potential coordination with Biden White House

Newsweek reported that there was another particularly damning revelation included in the dozens of exhibits attached to Roman's motion that also severely undermines the credibility of the Georgia indictment against former President Trump and seemingly exposes possible collusion or cooperation between Fulton County and President Joe Biden's White House and Justice Department.

Included in the attached exhibits were copies of special prosecutor Wade's billing invoices submitted to the Fulton County DA's office that, on at least two occasions, sought compensation for his personal meetings with members of the Biden administration.

In May 2022, Wade billed $2,000 for eight hours of work for a meeting in Athens, Georgia with "White House Counsel," and billed another $2,000 again in November 2022 for an "interview with DC/White House," both in regard to the DA's investigation of former President Trump but prior to the handing down of the criminal indictment.

All of this should result in a complete dismissal of the case

To recap, according to the stunning motion filed on the deadline for pre-trial motions in the case, Fulton County DA Willis is alleged to have hired a private attorney with whom she was having an affair as a "special prosecutor" without the required authorization and for which he was unqualified to serve.

She is further alleged to have personally benefited financially from the dubious arrangement and failed to disclose such benefit from a personal relationship that clearly creates a conflict of interest that undermines her credibility and the foundation of the entire criminal case.

And, finally, despite insistent claims to the contrary, billing records appear to show some level of collusion or coordination between Fulton County and the Biden White House on the criminal case against the former president who is also the presumptive Republican nominee and President Biden's chief political rival.

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