Al Franken: Bible will 'burst into flames' if Trump touches it in court

 March 26, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Democrats have orchestrated a full-scale war on President Donald Trump, taking him into court on a wide range of classified papers, business dealings, and speech issues, aiming to make sure he cannot beat Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election.

Now Al Franken, the ex-senator who left Congress in a sex scandal, has offered a morbid desire.

He wants Trump to testify in court in the cases, and he wants to see a Bible "burst into flames" when Trump touches in while being sworn in.

The comment came during an interview with Jen Psaki, a former Barack Obama spokeswoman, who now appears on the leftist MSNBC.

She was asking him about the Democrats' schemes to try to take Trump down – even remove him from the 2024 ballot and deprive voters of an opportunity to make their own choice.

She said, "As you're watching this, and you see all the different messages the Democratic party is throwing at him there's a lot of material there, there's no question, there's (sic) the legal cases, obviously his threat to abortion rights, (and) the threat to the Affordable Care Act. What should people be doing? There's (sic) almost too many to pick from. What is the right approach, in your view."

The expert opinion she was seeking, according to, was from a comedian and former senator who quit Congress amid accusations from multiple women that he groped and forcibly kissed them.

Franken has said he remembers those encounters differently.

Franken's response to Psaki?

I think that as these cases unfold, and thank God, we actually have one coming to trial. I think it'll be very clear. You started your show talking to Michael Cohen. I think it's pretty clear that this case was exactly that, a hush-money case. You know I'm looking forward to – I don't know whether he will testify, I know his lawyers know that he lies a lot, but I hope he testifies because when he puts (his) hand on the Bible, I want to see it burst into flames.

RedState explained that Franken, a "disgraced" former senator, actually suffers from "Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome," and turned to MSNBC to "sneer" about Trump.

The report added a note that Psaki refused to ask Franken questions about "the Biden Family Business, the multitudinous lies Joe Biden has told about it and the strong sworn testimony of former Hunter Biden business partner, Tony Bobulinski."

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