$1 million grant lets profs apply 'woke' race ideology to classic literature

 March 28, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

How well does the classic "To Kill a Mockingbird" meet contemporary society's color-conscience race agenda?

Or perhaps "Pride and Prejudice," or "Animal Farm" or "The Count of Monte Cristo?"

Maybe "The Hobbit" aligns? Or "Wuthering Heights"?

Or maybe not.

But now a report at The College Fix reveals that two Ivy League teachers are being handed a $1 million grant to "apply" critical race theory to such iconic classics.

CRT is a belief system that all of American is racist and the solution to that racism is more racism. From it stems the radical concept of "reparations," the idea that those people who never owned slaves must pay off those who never were slaves, just because they want that.

The report explained the Mellon Foundation gave the funds to Sasha-Mae Eccleston of Brown University and Dan-el Peralta of Princeton.

The report said the concept for the de-construction of the classics started with a conference in 2017.

"The inaugural event invited participants to unabashedly center race and ethnicity in their research in order to counter the dangerously universalizing pretensions of 'Western Civilization' and other white supremacist ideologies suffusing the academy," the original description claimed.

Princeton announced a new program will include a "multi-year fellowship program designed to mentor graduate students and early career researchers of the ancient Mediterranean as they center critical race studies in their scholarship and teaching."

The Fix noted, "Princeton President Christopher Eisgruber personally endorsed the project. 'The proposed program will transform the study of classics in significant ways and build a sustainable community of scholars committed to inclusive and collaborative scholarship,' the president said."

The political agenda, however, drew questions from political science professor Scott Yenor of Boise State.

"We turn to the classics in order to have our prejudices challenged, not simply to confirm them. The classics among the Greeks spoke to the universal in man, not to the particularities that obsess us today," he told the publication.

"Clearly it is the job of teachers to ensure that minorities and really all students take the ideas of the great authors seriously, instead of only paying attention to our strange obsession with race and ethnicity," Yenor said. "When race is so elevated, the results are predictable: The classics are corrupted and no one will be better off for it."

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